
I’m Tianna, a graphic designer based in Devon eager to kickstart my creative career. With a love for learning, my favourite thing to do is try something new! I thrive on experimentation and always try to push myself, which has seen me tackle projects involving creative coding, layout design and branding, but ultimately I enjoy seeing a task through from start to finish, research to completed outcomes.

In my day to day life, I am inspired by the things we don’t notice, and the stories that everyone has. In my spare time, you can find me with my headphones on playing way too many games of solitaire.

About me…

MA Visual Communication (2022 - 2023) - Merit

BA (Hons) Illustration (2019 - 2022) - First Class Honours

Software - Adobe CC (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator)

Skills - Branding, visual identity, poster design, illustration